My story:
Meet Muhammad and Meselech, our children in Pakistan and Ethiopia. We’ve sponsored them since they were young, through hard times for both children. Muhammad has rheumatic fever, and Meselech lives in a famine-stricken land. But through the ministry of World Vision, they receive monthly assistance, education, food, training in farming, and basic health care. Best of all, World Vision manages to provide these services in a Gospel way, acting as the hands and feet of Jesus in the midst of non-Christian cultures.
I might never meet my children, but I know they are out there and I care. How much more does Jesus love us, lost and struggling in our own way? He picks us up, dusts us off, and puts people in our path when we are at our point of need. “Who were you that we fed you when you were hungry?” the people asked Him. “In so much as you have done it unto the least of them, you have done it unto me,” He
My service:
We’ve “adopted” two children in cultures far different from our own, but children with the same basic needs as our own four biological kids. We provide monthly support to World Vision for their ministry work, pray for our children, and write to them on occasion. Each quarter, they write to us, with a picture each year and a story about their lives.
My advice to you:
Adopt a child! For only a dollar a day, you can change a life forever in a meaningful way, reaching around the globe to meet a child at his or her point of need. Pray for them. This ministry will touch you in ways you never thought possible.