My story:
Life is full of choices. “Choice” is an honorable word, a word that’s been hijacked in the past thirty years to mean “terminated pregnancy.” I believe in giving everyone a choice . . . and I pray that women in crisis will choose life.
The nation’s third busiest crisis pregnancy center, Choose Life of North Alabama, is where I have chosen to place my priority for ministry outside the church. Our center sees over 4600 women each year for pregnancy tests, and hundreds more for post-abortion healing and infant adoption counseling. Through the ministry of over one hundred volunteers, and the sacrificial service of eight board-certified OB/GYN physicians, we’re able to meet every woman at her point of need.
Drawing from a metro area of 350,000 people and 10,000 square miles, we’ve met the needs of over 70,000 women in crisis in the past 29 years. Ours is a ministry dedicated to a Gospel-centered presentation to each client, and non-judgmental support to every woman. Choose Life is a place for loving support, a place where we bring the Word of God to women’s hearts and show them the hand of God at work in their womb. A place where thousands have found healing, and have made a decision for life. Life is full of choices. God wants us to choose Him . . . and to choose life.
My service:
I made a big mistake young man. I lost my virginity in college in a brief relationship that could have resulted in a terminated pregnancy. Most men won’t tell you about their past—but more men need to. We guys need to embrace the fact that the girls who come to the doors of Choose Life
and 3000 other crisis pregnancy centers across the country were our girlfriends once upon a time . . .
months, years or decades ago. It’s the epitome of hypocrisy for men to condemn abortion and yet fail to confess their own role, walking away from intimate relationships that may have put more girls in crisis. Hear me, men. If you ever slept with another woman outside of marriage, you’re part of the problem. If you got a girl pregnant, there’s a strong likelihood you never knew. You’re not being heard from, and
you’re shirking your responsibilities. It’s time to step up and join in the battle for life.
I decided to get involved by doing something for women in crisis. I can’t change my past, but I can do something to help girls today. I serve on the Board of Directors for Choose Life of North Alabama and support it as a regular donor. I’ve helped our Center to find and renovate a beautiful new facility to be able to counsel as many as 7000 women each year in crisis. I speak to fund raising banquets around the country, raising monies to help Crisis Pregnancy Centers to buy SonoSite ultrasound machines to help
women see their fully-formed children at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy.
My advice to you:
God is at work every day in miraculous ways at a Crisis Pregnancy Center near you. If you’re a woman, volunteer to serve as a receptionist or get trained as a counselor. You’ll witness miracles in ways you’ve never imagined. If you’re a man, then stand up and be counted. You can’t counsel young women, but you can help the army of women who have shouldered this ministry . . . help them to raise monies, to manage those monies, to build and repair their centers, and to build partnerships with local business. Make a difference. Save lives through your service to others at a Crisis Pregnancy Center.